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The Peawees (It, Punk Rock ’n’ Roll veterans) // Melody MAKERs

11 Febbraio 2017 @ 22:00 - 12 Febbraio 2017 @ 3:00

Sabato 11 febbraio 2017
THE PEAWEES (rock’n’roll)
+ Melody Maker(s)
Ingresso 6 euro

/// The Peawees

Dopo mesi passati in sala prove e dopo aver iniziato le prime sessioni di registrazione per il nuovo album, i Peawees si prendono una “pausa” per divertirsi un po’ sul palco. La serata del Blah Blah sarà tra le prime di una serie di show dove la band suonerà i pezzi storici tratti da Dead End City, Walking The Walk, Leave it Behind e molto altro.
I Peawees sono una istituzione del rock ‘n’ roll italiano, attivi da oltre 20 anni non hanno mai smesso di assimilare concentrati di punk e garage rock, iniezioni di soul e rhythm n blues, pillole di beat e integratori di 60s girl groups. Dal 95 ad oggi hanno pubblicato dischi in Usa, Inghilterra, Italia, Austria, Spagna e Olanda. Immaginate una jam tra i Clash, Sam Cooke, i Devil Dogs e Phil Spector che sale e scende dal palco quando ne ha voglia.

The story of The Peawees begins in La Spezia, back in 1995, when Hervé Peroncini, Riccardo La Lomia and Livio Montarese – following previous experiences in two other bands: Manges and Nukes – join forces and release Where People Smile (Panic Records/Helter Skelter) in the same year, a debut album clearly based in punk rock, but with strong pop influences.

In 1998, The Peawees’ line-up grows: Hervé (voice and guitar), Riccardo (bass) and Livio (drums), are joined by a second guitarist, Stefano Zappelli. The band thus records This Is Rock n Roll; this, their second album – released in Italy by Fridge Records and in the U.S. by Motherbox Records – marks the first breaking point from the band’s past: the influence of Californian punk rock, The Clash and The Ramones still echoes, but the cover of Elvis’s Burning Love foreshadows the band’s future path.

At this stage the Peawees tour the U.S. (with twelve concert dates ranging from New York to Washington), and the Italian periodical “Rumore” calls This is Rock n’ Roll one of the ten best punk rock albums of 1998.

The first real change in line-up comes in 1999: Livio’s place on drums is taken over by Andrea Ricci, and Jacopo Giannetti replaces Stefano Zappelli on the guitar. The Peawees release a couple of singles on vinyl under as many English record labels, and the new line-up heads to the UK for a 13-date tour which allows the band to win over new fans outside of their home country.

In the 21st century, the Peawees are universally recognized as one of the strongest rock and roll bands on the scene.
Dead End City, their third album, released in 2001 (by Dutch label Stardumb Records), receives excellent reviews worldwide, and the band is interviewed by Maximum Rock n’ Roll, the historic punk magazine based in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, Hervé, Riccardo, Andrea and Jacopo perform across Europe, and american band Groovie Ghoulies covers Cause You Don’t Know Me, possibly The Peawees’ best-known song, contained in Dead End City (which in the mean time is also published and released in Italy by Ammonia Records with extra songs).

In 2003, Carlo Landini replaces Jacopo Giannetti on guitar. With their new line-up, The Peawees head off on a long tour during which they share the stage with punk rock legends such as Radio Birdman, Damned, Dwarves, Bad Religion, Marky Ramone and others. The following year, two of the band’s songs – Road to Rock n’ Roll and By My Side – are included in the soundtrack for the X-Box game NHL Rivals.

At the end of 2005, Livio Montarese returns to The Peawees taking over Andrea’s place on drums. The band performs live shows and works on the new album, Walking the Walk, released in 2007 by Wynona Records. Later re-released on vinyl by Italian label Radiation and California-based label It’s Alive, the album enters the chart of the twenty bestselling independent records in Italy. .

Following a 36-date European tour (including the Dutch festival Rotterdam Rumble, alongside the Rip Offs and, once again, Radio Birdman), there is a final change in the band’s line-up: drummer Michele Napoli replaces Livio.

In 2011, Hervé, Riccardo, Carlo and Michele record Leave It Behind (Wild Honey Records), the fifth album in The Peawees’ career: an album that travels back in time, moving past punk rock and opening the doors to the future. On Leave it Behind The Peawees play – and exude – soul, r n’ b, and the rock n’ roll of their origins.

In 2013, Riccardo and Michele give way to Fabio Clemente and Tommy Gonzalez (Texan drummer ex member of Nick Curran & The Lowlifes) and in 2014, after releasing a split 7″ with the american band Lisa & The Lips, The Peawees return to the road for a series of dates, in which have the opportunity to share the stage with legendary bands like The Sonics, The Dictators and Standells.

In 2015, The Peawees publish 20 Years and you still don’t know me, a collection of 30 songs to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the band that will be followed by a world tour.

The band is currently working on a new album.
To be continued …


11 Febbraio 2017 @ 22:00
12 Febbraio 2017 @ 3:00
Sito web:


via Po 21
Turin, 10124 Italy
